Travel to Wonderland for relaxation, wonder, harmony, and balance! This nervine tea can assist with stress relief and inner peace while helping you to settle into a restful sleep. A blissful combination supports the activation of the third eye chakra to enter dreamy state of meditation or rest with lucid dreams and deeper vision.
Wood betony helps to link mind & body, boosting the soul & enabling clearer meditations before bedtime. Passionflower is a bridge to a more profound consciousness & is associated with the 3rd eye & crown chakras. It helps aid relaxation & release, offering insight into deeper truths. Skullcap acts as an amplifier. Its watery nature allows us to deeply connect and tune in to our physical form. Kava aids us in this journey by supporting vision and calming anxiousness. Mugwort, known for its lucid dreaming capabilities, can assist with intensified dream states & help aid with their remembrance and clarity. Blue Lotus was once held sacred by the Egyptians & Atlanteans. She activates the heart, third eye, crown chakras, allowing access to higher states of being. Pink Lotus invokes compassion & love, while chamomile carries solace and peacefulness. Caffeine free.
Nerve Tonic* (R)
May help reduce anxiety* (R) (R) (R) (R)
May act as a sleep aid* (R)
May enhance meditation/lucid dreaming* (R)
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.