Spirit's Song // Soul Soother
Our Spirit's Song tisane offers soothing, sweet aromatics and energetic qualities that support the mind, body & Spirit in times when journeying upon the path of healing. This combination of herbs seeks to open the heart space to allow a deeper connection with oneself. Sweet Melissa holds us tenderly in her embrace, providing us with a safe haven of peace and comfort. Rose gently opens our heart, as her petals symbolize the layers of protection that fall away so we can reach the center of our true nature — Love. From mushrooms, we gather wisdom from the underground network of mycelium, which unites us with the entire plant kingdom. Mimosa blossoms fill our souls with a sense of joy and a loving energy. Known as the "tree of happiness," she helps us through sorrow, grief and exhaustion, so we can feel the love within ourselves. Blue Lotus, cherished as sacred, is the blossom of the Goddess. She connects us to our crown chakra and Divine femininity, reminding us of our spiritual connection. In times of trauma and healing, she helps us find solace in the unseen realms.
May soothe & comfort anxiety* (R)
May help lower stress* (R)
May support digestive discomfort* (R)
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.