Sensuality // Sacral Chakra
Cultures around the world have been using herbs as “love enhancers” and aphrodisiacs. The term aphrodisiac stems from the Greek Goddess of Love, Aphrodite. Aphrodisiac herbs are often related to the Svadhistana, or sacral chakra, and provoke the love God(dess) in us all to remain open and connected to one another, as well as strengthen the connection with one's self. Energetically, these herbs infuse balance and love up the heart and sacral chakras. Many are also nervines, soothing the mind-space and heart of tension and helping you embrace sensual pleasure. The sacral chakra encourages trust in intuition, a healthy & balanced expression of sexuality, and the courage to break free of anything that's blocking your creativity.
Damiana is a sexy, fiery herb that stimulates the sacral chakra, helping to increase desire and excitement while helping to lift the spirit reviving one's openness to deeper connection. On an energetic level, hibiscus can ignite passion and encourage expression of the sacral region. Its joyful nature helps one open to meaningful relationships and balance intimate connection of giving and receiving equally. Sarsaparilla is used as a tonic for this chakra region for balancing of our Divine masculine side, while rose deeply connects us to our Divine feminine self. Long associated with lovers, rose balances the emotions and is often associated with the heart and unconditional love. Ginger is a zesty, warming herb that invigorates energy, boosting the "fire" in the body to increase vitality*.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.