Red Rose Flower Essence
Rose flower essence is one of the most powerful remedies for the heart chakra. She reminds one to be grateful and to live a life of Devotion. She teaches how to give and receive unconditional love, while always revealing the beauty that is within & all around us. Rose essence enhances both our inner and outer beauty. This remedy can be useful for those who have unkind thoughts of others or self, have difficulty maintaining loving relationships, those residing in a heavy vibration, or for those who are suffering from heartache/loss/grief. She continuously opens & expands the Sacred heart, uplifts our aura energetic field and shifts our energy into the purity of Love vibration. It is said that rose represents the purest and most positive vibration of any living thing. Rose medicine teaches "Love is what we are". She provides cleansing, clearing and purification to mind-body-spirit for us to live in empathy, compassion and forgiveness...and embody pure Love.
*Lunar/ Full Moon in Capricorn Essence*