Motherwort Flower Essence

$18.00 Sale Save

Motherwort's botanical name, Leonurus cardiaca, translates to "Lion-hearted." Her essence deepens heart connection, offering the courage to face our shadows. Her powerful protection aids those who feel estranged from their relatives or unsure of their place in the world. When there's a disconnect in familial love and tenderness, we may experience an unfriendliness and stiffness, making us feel like an outsider. Motherwort offers gentle strength & comfort, helping us stay open to love even amidst grief, trauma, neglect, or loss. She nurtures love & compassion for self & helps us soothe learn to define healthy boundaries. Working with this essence can assist us in caring for another, easing our worry. An ideal aid for caregivers & empaths alike. When needing a sense of deep mothering in our lives, or when experiencing immense transformation, difficulty, fear, anxiety or worry, call upon the lioness energy of motherwort to bring balance.

*Solar Essence*


Standard Base Ingredients: Spring Water, Brandy & Essence of Motherwort Flowers (Leonurus cardiaca)

Glycerine Base Ingredients: Spring Water, Organic Glycerine & Essence of Motherwort Flowers (Leonurus cardiaca)

1 drop to anoint the body
1-3 drops to water or tea, 1-3x daily
Add several drops to your ritual bath water!