Chickweed Flower Essence

$18.00 Sale Save

Chickweed essence promotes happiness within one's self. It is useful for those who constantly seek approval from others or attract lower vibrational relationships. The spirit of brightness in these little flowers teach that we are the beauty of stars, created in Divine light and ever wrapped in Love. This remedy supports our evolution toward these stars of self-love and reach within to raise our vibrations. It is also useful for clear & precise thinking, to invite the presence of awareness and allows for free, natural expression.

*Solar/ Full Moon/ Spring Equinox/ Ostara Essence*

Standard Base Ingredients: Mountain Spring Water, Brandy & Essence of Chickweed Flowers (Stellaria media)

Glycerine Base Ingredients: Mountain Spring Water, Organic Glycerine & Essence of Chickweed Flowers (Stellaria media)

1 drop to anoint the body
1-3 drops to water or tea, 1-3x daily
Add several drops to your ritual bath water!